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  • "Revolutionizing Agriculture: How AI is Shaping the Future of Farming"

    Introduction to Smart Agriculture with AI IHONORS ACADEMY ’s vision, mission and objectives are around empowering Tier-2 & Tier-3 cities globally to bring revolutionary shift in the macroeconomic factors across rural and semi rural areas globally. Our commitment is to produce talents who are committed to integrate AI, Cloud, and Data Science relevant technologies into industry segments that contributes significantly to the rural and semi-rural economy. One of the most critical industry segment in this demography is agriculture. The potential for these technologies into transforming the industry and the lives in the attached communities is immense, from increasing crop yields to improving farm management, livestock care, and adopting sustainable practices. We at IHONORS ACADEMY  contribute to this journey by equipping STEM  (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Management) students in Tier-2 & Tier-3 cities with the necessary skills through our comprehensive set of programs , which helps to not only bring the technological advancements for highly effective and efficient farming tools, techniques, and practices but also preparing them to be at the forefront of agricultural innovation. Deep Dive Into Smart Agricultural Practices Leveraging AI 1.     AI Expert Workers in Agriculture: Precision Farming : AI enables precision agriculture by analyzing data from sensors, drones, and satellites. Farmers can optimize irrigation, fertilization, and pest control. Crop Monitoring : Machine learning models can detect crop diseases, nutrient deficiencies, and growth patterns, allowing timely interventions. Predictive Analytics : AI predicts weather conditions, crop yields, and market trends, aiding decision-making . 2.     Cloud  Computing for Farmers: Data Storage : Cloud platforms store vast amounts of agricultural data securely processing on edge as well as remote. Scalability : Farmers and the farming communities can scale their computing resources as needed, without heavy upfront investments. Collaboration : Cloud-based tools facilitate collaboration among farmers, researchers, and policymakers for cost-effective governance and controls. 3.     Data Science for Sustainable Farming: Soil Health : Data science analyses soil samples to recommend optimal fertilization, temperature/ moisture requirements, disease prevention, prescriptive actions on crop rotation. Climate Resilience : Models to predict climate-related risks, helping farmers adapt quicker and prevent losses. Supply Chain Optimization : Data-driven insights to improve logistics management, storage needs, giving back more to farmers, improving shelf life, and reducing food waste. 4.     Empathy and Community Focus: Farmer Well-Being : AI can monitor stress levels in livestock and alert farmers for preventive measures. Community Platforms : Cloud-based platforms foster knowledge sharing and support networks across the globe complementing for effectiveness. Local Context : Data science considers regional variations, respecting local practices and thus recommends relevant changes in approach. 5.     Excelling Healthier Food Habits: Traceability : Cloud-based systems brings centralized systems/ dashboards into place to track food from farm to table, ensuring safety. Nutrition Insights : AI analyses nutritional content, improvements, consistency, and thus promotes healthier choices. Sustainable Practices : Data science encourages eco-friendly farming methods by preventing soil degradation and pushing for crop enrichment. Conclusion The IHONORS ACADEMY is a pioneering institution committed to driving significant change in rural and semi-rural economies worldwide. Through a focused approach on Tier-3 and below cities for STEM upskilling, we are actively working towards empowering these demographics by implementing innovative strategies. At the heart of our initiatives lies the Ankita Agro Ventures , where we have established a cutting-edge test bed to explore and implement a range of empathy-driven and technology-backed farming methods. Our primary goal is to seamlessly integrate artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and data science into key industry sectors such as agriculture, with a specific emphasis on enhancing the food supply chain and ultimately enhancing the livelihoods of farmers. By providing STEM students with the necessary tools and knowledge, we are striving to revolutionize traditional farming techniques, ultimately leading to increased crop yields, enhanced farm management practices, and the overall promotion of sustainable agricultural methods. Through our collaborative efforts, we are paving the way towards a more efficient and intelligent agricultural landscape. We invite you to join us in this transformative journey towards a brighter and more prosperous future for farming communities globally.

  • Balancing the Advantages and Risks of Artificial Intelligence, Along with Ethical Responsibilities.

    The Power of Responsible AI Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the operations of businesses, lives, and far reaching human to human, human to machine & vice versa, and machine to machine interactions in today's fast-paced digital environment. This advanced technology is reshaping decision-making processes within organizations and revolutionizing key areas of business operations including supply chain management, marketing strategies, sales approaches, and customer experience enhancement. The integration of AI has not only optimized efficiency and productivity but has also streamlined processes across various industries. Furthermore, the influence of artificial intelligence extends beyond business into everyday life, reshaping social interactions and personal experiences. From personalized recommendations to predictive analytics, AI has become an essential part of people's lives, impacting their decisions and behaviors. The progress enabled by AI has paved the way for a more interconnected and intelligent society, where technology plays a pivotal role in shaping human interactions and societal norms. As businesses continue to leverage the capabilities of artificial intelligence, innovation boundaries are continually being pushed, resulting in groundbreaking advancements across different sectors. The transformative potential of AI is evident in how organizations adapt to market changes, anticipate consumer demands, and foster sustainable growth. By embracing AI-driven solutions, businesses are not only staying ahead of the competition but are also redefining the future of work and organizational frameworks. Let's explore the benefits of responsible AI across various industries and use cases. In healthcare, facilities excel at providing swift access to crucial remedies, delivering highly personalized treatments customized to meet individual needs. Therapeutic interventions are precisely tailored based on a comprehensive understanding of patient vitals and physical conditions, all aimed at accelerating recovery and optimizing longevity. Empowering farmers with the tools to predict and mitigate adverse effects on soil and crops, implementing proactive measures with effective solutions, boosting productivity, fostering crop innovation, excelling in the realm of agriculture, and much more In financial institutions, we excel at enhancing customer journeys, optimizing experience, refining asset allocation strategies, making accurate market predictions, and much more We are experts in utilities, excelling at saving resources, optimizing infrastructure, seamlessly integrating non-conventional energy sources into the mainstream, and much more. In the automotive industry, we lead the way in developing smarter design and machining techniques, leveraging robots for increased efficiency, optimizing shop floors and yards, driving the adoption of electric vehicles, enhancing safety and security features in our vehicles, and much more. Artificial Intelligence solutions, in general, have the potential to enhance our lives by providing exceptional experiences and meeting expectations within a secure environment, all while contributing to prosperity. By taking on crucial yet challenging tasks, AI allows us the freedom to concentrate on areas that require genuine human creative intelligence. The Potential Menace of Irresponsible AI solutions Nevertheless, artificial intelligence also comes with a drawback that may surpass its benefits. If not created and utilized with accountability and ethical considerations, AI has the potential to worsen problems instead of resolving them. Unchecked prejudices can result in irregularities seeping into the system, posing significant risks to certain groups (like consumers, patients, or clients). The aftermath of such glitches can intensify distress, subjecting individuals to serious tangible outcomes. Now, let's delve into some instances of the possible AI threats within the industries mentioned earlier. In healthcare, irresponsible AI usage can lead to severe and irreversible consequences, affecting both system efficiency and patient safety. Misdiagnosis, incorrect treatments, and biased decision-making are among the risks posed by inadequately trained AI algorithms. In agriculture irresponsible use of AI solutions poses serious risks like crop failures, environmental harm, and economic instability. Incorrect data analysis from poorly implemented AI can lead to wrong decisions. This can worsen food security by failing to detect diseases or pests, causing crop contamination and yield reduction. The gap between large farms and smallholders widens with unchecked AI, marginalizing vulnerable communities and hindering sustainable practices. In Finance, the use of AI offers great potential but also significant risks. Irresponsible AI can lead to algorithmic bias, perpetuating discrimination in financial decisions. The opacity of AI algorithms poses challenges, hindering transparency and accountability. The evolving AI technology brings new risks like cybersecurity threats. Irresponsible utilization of AI in the automotive sector can result in serious outcomes, including algorithm malfunctions that pose safety hazards or susceptibility to exploitation by malicious individuals. In the utilities and energy sector, it is vital to recognize the risks of irresponsible AI deployment. Potential consequences include system failures, cybersecurity vulnerabilities, and ethical dilemmas. With all the above things said and explained, how can your organization harness the power of AI while avoiding its pitfalls? Here the STEM students can bring the right skills into the industries trained with with the IHONORS Academy offered AI training programs that are exactly built to purpose to help navigate responsible solutions powered by AI without alienating it. The programs will also be enriching the responsible AI approach into industries by answering the following questions for successful AI implementations avoiding the potential pitfalls. What is responsible AI  and the role of data provenance in it? What are the four pillars that form the foundation of responsible AI? How to avoid the potential data biases when designing and deploying AI solutions? How the data governance can help organizations to build the most effective, safer, ethical, and secure AI solutions? What is FATER (Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, Ethicality) assessment (Reference: Establishing Data Provenance for Responsible Artificial Intelligence Systems , ” ), and "R" for "Responsiveness"? Conclusion The larger and emerging benefits of AI based solutions definitely outweigh the potential menaces of wrong AI if it is responsibly implemented. By participating through student empathetic and practical AI training programs, STEM students will not only become branded next gen Artificial Intelligence professionals but also become pioneers in careful implementation of responsible AI solutions. The IHONORS Academy offered programs are meticulously designed to integrate responsible AI practices into various industries, ensuring that AI implementations are both successful and ethical. By addressing critical questions and potential pitfalls, IHONORS Academy equips students with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the complexities of AI responsibly, fostering a future where technology serves humanity with integrity and accountability.

  • How IHONORS' Data Concepts position you strategically in the job orbit?

    India is experiencing continuous growth and advancement, driven by a significant emphasis on data-centric modern enterprises facilitated by the rapid expansion of cloud infrastructure. This expansion has greatly empowered the realm of data assets, serving as a key facilitator for data platforms. This transformative shift has emerged as a focal point for fostering innovative and sustainable growth in modern businesses. Presently, businesses heavily depend on the availability of accurate data in a timely manner to make both tactical and strategic decisions, enhancing competitiveness, differentiation, agility, and dynamism, while also steering modern data platforms towards achieving expected returns on investment (ROI). This situation is particularly relevant to India, given its high population density, diverse yet interconnected demographics, varying expectations, and associated dynamics. Data is becoming the new oil for businesses. Due to the progress in Generative AI improving data organization techniques, Data Scientists can now redirect their attention from data acquisition to emphasizing algorithms and analysis. This transition towards heightened efficiency is vital for expediting the provision of insights to modern businesses. To uphold this new shift in the field of Data Science in India, a strong foundation in Data Architecture and Data Engineering is indispensable. Traditional Data Architecture vs. Modern Data Architecture. Traditional data architecture has long struggled with the challenges posed by the ever-changing and intricate nature of data acquisition. Due to its slow pace, the conventional data architecture fails to deliver the expected Return On Investment (ROI) sought by businesses and organizations. Data Science teams are now demanding a broader scope and greater volume of data, along with the necessary quality, dependability, and trustworthiness. Therefore, there is a pressing need for a contemporary, adaptable, and exceptionally efficient data architecture and data engineering to meet these evolving demands. Breaking down data silos, enhancing agility, and reducing latencies. The contemporary Data Architecture introduces the ideas of Data Hub, Data Fabric, and Data Mesh to uphold the correct quality, integrity, and originality of data, enabling Data Scientists to stay pertinent by delivering pertinent insights to the business. The evolution of modern Data Architecture focuses on dismantling data silos, fostering agility, and reducing latencies, all crucial for a Data-Driven Business . Positioning you as modern Data Professionals. At IHONORS Academy , our focus is on providing relevant education to students who aspire to become Data professionals. We aim to achieve a 360 ROI for our students, enabling them to make a positive and sustainable impact on modern business growth. By equipping them with practical skills and values, we ensure that they are well-prepared for long-term career advancement in their Jobs and Research & Development (R&D) endeavors. Join us on a learning adventure to empower and enrich the Data Science and Data Engineering fields in various industry applications as data professionals. Start by finding answers to the following questions and showcasing the value of modern Data Architecture to the world. How Generative AI is helping with better organization in Data and AI (Artificial Intelligence) driven Businesses? How Cloud driven modern Data Architecture accelerates Data Scientists? What are Data Hub, Data Fabric, and Data Mesh concepts? Is it possible for traditional data architecture concepts like data warehouse, data lake, and data lake-house to remain relevant for the future success of businesses? What solutions will be effective for the current and future requirements of businesses? Are there any overarching data architecture principles being investigated and actively pursued for the future, and what advantages are anticipated from them? Is the data fabric concept relevant to the future of business? What sets data fabric apart from traditional data architecture and technologies? Is it possible for a data fabric to achieve success without a strategic data mesh implementation? Conclusion Generative AI enhances data-driven businesses by automating tasks and improving decision-making, while cloud-driven data architectures accelerate data scientists through scalable and integrated environments. Concepts like data hubs, data fabrics, and data meshes offer various approaches to data management, with traditional architectures like data warehouses and lakes remaining relevant as they evolve. Effective solutions for current and future business needs include cloud-native architectures and AI/ML-driven data management, emphasizing data democratization and real-time analytics. Data fabric, in particular, stands out for its unified, intelligent data management layer, and can succeed independently by ensuring seamless data integration and accessibility.

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  • iHONORS ACADEMY | Artificial Intelligence

    100% Placement and ROI Focused Programs. **Effective Programs. Exciting Outcomes!** Cloud Computing Geek Kickstart Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - Professional **Effective Programs. Exciting Outcomes!** 1/16 Click on the images to expand. JOIN NOW strategic thoughts behind the programs. Click on the images to expand. 100% Placement Assurance We Deliver the Best You! with programs that are hyper-focused on your career projectile, dreams, and aligned to strategic needs assuring your place in the market and industry . Our success is in hyper-elevating you for the global openings with leading and bleeding edge skills leveraging Cloud, Data, and AI for the most critical use cases that needs you in fray. <10% Time Spent to Acquire Top Skills We Care for Your TTM (Time to Market)! Shape an Agile, Accelerated, and Opportunity driven career journey to never ever settle for less after investing so much time to complete your STEM education. We understand your timing to the market and progression needs, and have designed the programs caring for your needs. 100% Skilling on "AI & The Art of Possible." We Build the Sustainable and Resilient You!! We innovate the innovator in you which guarantee your Job in the Opportunity Orbit for an Innovation Focused Journey with Empathetic and Ground Breaking Breakthroughs for the communities, living beings, and the planet Earth at IHONORS ACADEMY. 100% Placement Assurance We Deliver the Best You! with programs that are hyper-focused on your career projectile, dreams, and aligned to strategic needs assuring your place in the market and industry . Our success is in hyper-elevating you for the global openings with leading and bleeding edge skills leveraging Cloud, Data, and AI for the most critical use cases that needs you in fray. 1/5 JOIN NOW value propositions behind the programs. Click on the images to expand. FOR A STRATEGIC CAREER, AHEAD OF THE CURVE FOR SKILLS TARGETING CLOUD FIRST & DATA FIRST FOR CLOSED LOOP CONTROL & GOVERNANCE FOR A STRATEGIC CAREER, AHEAD OF THE CURVE 1/10 JOIN NOW Our programs shape careers and empower you to transform lives globally. The benchmarks we strive for are as below. TARGETED BENCHMARKS 100% AI ORIENTED SKILLS 2X DATA-DRIVEN SOLUTIONS 100% CLOUD SOLUTIONING 2X EMPATHETIC USE CASES 100% ESG FRIENDLINESS 2X CAREER ROI & GROWTH START HERE 100% AI Targeted Courseware 100% Data driven solution skills 100% Cloud first for every solution 100% Sustainable solution approach 100% Empathy driven use cases 2X Career opportunities and growth 100% AI Targeted Courseware 100% Data driven solution skills 100% Cloud first for every solution 100% Sustainable solution approach 100% Empathy driven use cases 2X Career opportunities and growth 100% AI Targeted Courseware 100% Data driven solution skills 100% Cloud first for every solution 100% Sustainable solution approach 100% Empathy driven use cases 2X Career opportunities and growth 100% AI Targeted Courseware 100% Data driven solution skills 100% Cloud first for every solution 100% Sustainable solution approach 100% Empathy driven use cases 2X Career opportunities and growth 100% AI Targeted Courseware 100% Data driven solution skills 100% Cloud first for every solution 100% Sustainable solution approach 100% Empathy driven use cases 2X Career opportunities and growth Why is the time perfect now for such a move? Why are we here? Why reaching out to students & institutes? Why there is an urgency to act fast? * Click on respective images to expand for details. ​ Compelling Drivers Next CXO AI & Gen AI focus 65% CEOs see AI as the main driver for business efficiency. 82% CEOs are confident on Gen AI enhancing their capabilities. Opportunities STEM qualified can step up their skill set with prolific AI learning and industry exposure. Ability to solution industry use cases by enrolling in iHONORS courses here . $1 T Indian AI Economy $967 B into Indian GDP by 2035 through AI focused solutions. $2.6 to $4.4 Trl annually to be added by GenAI globally. Opportunities STEM qualified gain skills on cloud hosted AI platforms and data hyper-scaling skills. STEM graduates gets quickly skilled on industry use cases through iHONORS courses here . Massive Job Potential 14 M direct and indirect jobs by 2026 with Cloud economy. 300% skill acceleration needed for the Cloud solutioning demand. Opportunities STEM student can elevate skills to position for the global opportunities. STEM qualified place themselves in the job orbit with iHONORS Academy offered courses here . Cloud Infra Services $$ $587.9 B Global Cloud Infrastructure Services Market by 2032. $17.8% Global CAGR between 2022-32. Opportunities STEM students can stay ahead by acquiring skills to migrate/ modernize workloads with cloud. STEM qualified easily gets skilled with use case focused projects through iHONORS' courses here . Cloud First AI & Analytics $380 B into India’s GDP by 2026 with Data & AI driven Cloud adoption. 80% enterprises to build Data & Analytics solution on Cloud. Opportunity Skills to transform, modernize, and migrate silos into public cloud is frequently asked. Effectively learn critical use cases by enrolling into relevant iHONORS Academy's courses here . Shooting Gen AI Funding $566 M infused into 24 Indian GenAI startups in 2023. $700 M in last 3 years into Indian GenAI solution initiatives. Opportunities STEM students with GenAI skills and innovative projects with be in high demand. They can quickly get use cases savvy by going through iHONORS offered courses here . Effective Cloud Adoption $380 B to be pumped into India’s GDP by 2026 with cloud adoption. 25-30% cloud spend growth in enterprises over next 5 years. Opportunities STEM students can keep themselves market ready with enterprise use cases on hyperscalers. STEM professionals can get the right skills with iHONORS Academy's courses here . Sharp Growth of Cloud 23.4% CAGR in India's Public Cloud Services market between 2022-27. $17.8 B is the projected overall size by 2027. Opportunities STEM students upskilling on cloud and strategizing their career with Data nd AI use cases. STEM qualified have the righ skills and get market ready with iHONORS Academy's courses here . So, we assure your 100% placement potential for the best package and exponential career growth going to market... *Click on the images to expand. JOIN NOW Executive Team & Values Our team is uniquely composed of members with common characteristics as defined in our value statement GATHERS (Growth, Agility, Transparency, Honesty, Empathy, Responsiveness, Sustainability). We are poised to initiate and drive the change in students, across industries, and add value to businesses through ecosystem approach. We are student obsessed, and ready to go the extra mile and stretch students potential to achieve their best. We align innovative use cases for student's success and shape their strategic career journey leveraging cloud, data, and AI. MD/ CEO/ CTO Surjya Misra +1 469-655-5025 Wharton School CTO Certified, MIT Sloan AI Certified, McCombs PG in Cloud, UTD Executive MBA in Global Leadership, BE (Electrical) 30 years of Technology experience across Telecom, Media, Utilities, Automotive, Healthcare, Banking, CIO Organizations, Industry 4.0, and Hi-Tech. Ex. Deloitte, Accenture, Infosys, IBM, Amdocs, Virtusa, SAIL, etc. Chief Operating Officer Richa Panigrahi +91 82495 58198 M.Sc., M.Phil. Geology, 9 National and International Research Papers, CSIR-UGC fellowship. 4 years Research Work at IIT Bombay, 8 years as Technology Teaching Experience as Professor at Autonomous Universities. Operations Consulting Experience in Export and Trading of ores and minerals. Chief Marketing Officer Dillip Parida +91 94202 81480 B Sc AG OUAT, MBA from UBS, Chandigarh, Exec. MBA IIM Ahmedaba d. 12 years hands on/ off leadership in innovative and sustainable agriculture and Farming. 10+ years formulating strategies at PepsiCo, HUL, Zee TV, Star TV, and Shengli Telecom. Add a Title Describe your image Add a Title Describe your image Add a Title Describe your image Add a Title Describe your image Add a Title Describe your image Add a Title Describe your image

  • About iHONORS' vision, mision, and strategy on programs.

    ABOUT IHONORS ACADEMY AND ITS PROGRAM APPROACH. IHONORS Academy is about a mission dedicated to build strong and strategic IT Hubs with talent pools in ignored but supercharged Tier 2&3 cities across the globe. We believe in empowering individuals and communities by providing them with much needed skills and resources with an approach to thrive in the modern digital age leveraging "Artificial Intelligence and the Art of Possible". Our mission is to bridge the gap between business and technology by creating opportunities and driving a brighter future for all. With a team of experienced professionals and a passion for innovation, we are committed to delivering high-quality education and training programs that equip our students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in the ever-evolving IT industry. Join us on this journey and unlock your full potential. Join one of our groups here to share and learn. Our range of services are currently offered in India focusing on: Artificial intelligence coaching Program in Bhubaneswar Cloud computing Training Programs in Odisha Data science training Programs in Bhubaneswar AI Training Programs in Bhubaneswar Cloud computing training Programs in Odisha Data science bootcamp Program in Bhubaneswar Online AI Learning Programs in Odisha Online AI coaching Programs in India To learn more about our offered services please click here .​ Learn More IHONORS ACADEMY'S PROGRAM OBJECTIVES Get Simplified Solutions lowering AHT and MTTR Aim to simplify business solutions, break the intertwined interactions and remove frictions through reduced the tech and business debts. Improve overall handling time and resolution times and be more responsive and experience enriching. Assure Satisfactory Placements for STEM Professionals Empower students with right programs, opportunities, professional skills, interviewing, and right storytelling to make impactful presentations. Assure 100% placement at the end of the program through coaching for interviews. Producing Global IT Professionals Bundle leading and bleeding edge technology enablement, high level business understanding, and industry focused project learnings through our programs for job ready global IT professionals. Democratize Connected Enterprises Design that supports hyper-scalable connectivity enabled by AI and Data on Cloud. Enrich them by rapid connections achieved with 5G, Edge, IoT, etc. leveraging Cloud, Data and AI from planning, designs, supply chain, managing assets, to safety and security during operations. Focus on Return on Investments not just Advanced AI Offer programs that addresses real-world problems through skills on Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Neural Network, Reinforcement Learning, Multiple Regression, Large Language Models, Generative AI, and Conversational AI to improve the ROI and Time to Market. Build Intelligent Solutions for Operations Train students on effective DevOPS, SRE, AIOPS, CAD, CAM, SCADA, MLaaS, and other Intelligent Technology Operations Solutions powered by Data and AI/ ML models driving descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive insights. Drive Data Driven Automation Solutions on Cloud. Empower students on strategic industry use cases leveraging hyper-scaled Data and AI/ ML solutions in building strategic Intelligent Automation solutions over cloud. Excel in Cloud Service First Coaching Strive to empower students and institutions on strategic cloud services and the art of possible with variety of AI driven industry use cases aligned to their STEM discipline and empower career choice through strategically designed programs. Student's Holistic Success Strategy Perform SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threats) analysis and drive personalized student success strategy by knowing student interest, challenges, and create scope to develop. Provide necessary counseling, and tutoring through systematic closed loop feedbacks in each program. Student Need Focused Coaching Profile students current and ongoing progress through personalized SWOT analysis before enrolling them into a specific program for the sustained motivation and successful career ahead. We then track, Monitor, and Control through a closed loop feedback. Align Coaching Framework to Industries Create coaching framework synced to global IT market skills dynamics. Complement to the demand curve, emerging trends, and evolution by embedded focused skills into each IHONORS' program for the best outcomes. IHONORS Goal is to deliver 360 sustainability in every solution. One Liner: A SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-based ) and personalized approach to building talent pools with STEM students in the under-exposed demography with rapid innovation and the art of possible by using modern technologies over Cloud, Data, and AI in the backbone. iHONORS Academy is also about an unique business model that aims to educate STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Management) students on leading-edge information technology skills through it's offered programs across India and the world to reach the rural and remote areas and understand their challenges and use cases where the technology benefits haven't penetrated well. Our approach to build the new now is about creating personalized, productized, and metricized student journey that energizes the "Think Global and Act Local " in practice at every step. We offer programs and counseling as services on an LMS (learning management system) that drives a unique experience. Our target market is the tier 2&3 cities that have STEM-educated mass unemployed or underemployed or looking to build a career in hi-tech space leveraging modern technology with skills that match industry forecasts and market demand. Welcome to our team of business and technology innovators! We are passionate about bringing progressive professional skill enrichment to individuals across industries. With our expertise in the digital economy and targeted marketing, we guide students towards successful careers and lifelong learning. Join us in contributing to the "Make in India" journey. ​ Our CEO/CTO/MD is a visionary leader with over 25 years of experience in technology leadership and management. With a passion for developing bleeding-edge technology skills, he has worked with global firms and Fortune 500 companies such as Accenture, Deloitte, Infosys, IBM, Amdocs, Virtusa, and SAIL. He holds certifications from prestigious institutions such as the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School and MIT Sloan School of, and has completed a PG in Cloud Computing from Texas McComb. He also holds an Executive MBA from UTD, and started his career with a BE in Electrical Engineering from India and a management role at SAIL. The COO of our company based in India is a highly accomplished individual with an impressive academic and professional background. She holds an M.Sc. and M.Phil. in science and technology and has conducted 9 national and international research works. She has also achieved a CSIR-UGC fellowship, conducted 4 years of research work at IIT Bombay, and has 8 years of experience in teaching at autonomous universities. Additionally, she has worked as a technology economy consultant. The CSO (Chief Strategy Officer) brings strong technology and media marketing strategy, negotiation skills, and brand positioning solutions through his vast experience in the industries. He is a farming expert bringing about innovation and rapid breakthroughs empathising farmers across India. The Executive Advisor/Partner brings over 20 years of cross-industry business development and international experience to the table. With expertise spanning corporate functions, enterprise businesses, business innovation models, global marketing, and education leadership, they are well-equipped to provide valuable insights and guidance to your organization. ​ Problem Statement: In Tier-3 & below cities of India, students lack the exposure to the latest industry use cases, leaving them unprepared to tackle challenges without significant investment and relocation to larger cities. Meanwhile, big companies with offices in these areas struggle to bring modern, technology-driven business to these cities due to a significant skills gap. We understand the importance of bridging this gap and are committed to finding solutions that benefit both students and businesses in these regions. Solutions/ Services: At IHONORS we believe that every student deserves the best chance to succeed in their chosen field. That's why we offer end-to-end services that help students develop the right skills, strategies, and actions to stand out in a crowded market. Our courses and counseling services are delivered through a cutting-edge learning management system that provides a unique and engaging experience. With our help, students can avoid the red ocean and rise to the top of their profession. Target Market: The tier 2&3 cities has STEM educated mass that are either waiting for the right opportunity or underemployed despite having a degree. We target to build their career in the hi-tech space and give them the right start which they are aspiring for. Our platform offers modern technology courses that match industry forecasts and market demand, helping them achieve career goals. We help them through the steps towards a rewarding future. Sales/Marketing Strategy: Our sales and marketing strategy involves reaching out to local institutions' stakeholders and decision-makers. Additionally, we have a dedicated social media marketing team led by our executive advisor to make our business easily accessible and reachable. We believe that this approach will help us to effectively connect with our target audience and achieve our business goals. Read More

  • Policies | iHONORS ACADEMY

    Policies This section provides a detailed view of our policies, compliances, guidelines, and governance aspects of iHONORS Academy India (under IHONORS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED) operations. Adherence to these policies are strictly required by all iHONORS Academy constituents, internal stakeholders, external stakeholders, buyers, suppliers, and other entities as exclusively called out under each policy's detailed view. ​ Some of the policies may vary be aligned to the local rules and regulations. However, iHONORS makes sure there is minimal conflict and friction with the localised policies, but doesn't guarantee full adherence. For further consideration and necessary action, please reach out to . ​ Any violations, deviations, or non-compliance should be reported immediately to or for review and necessary action. Policy Farmework The policy framework and contents covered here are laid out to protect customer, supplier, internal/ external stakeholder interests for an experience rich learning platform through iHONORS Academy. The scope of these policies are described below with a high level summary of coverage. Privacy Policy IHONORS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED (a.k.a. IITPL) as an entity does not sell or forward or rent any personal information that is shared with us to any third party for the purpose of marketing etc. without your written consent. This privacy policy is applicable to all our services available under the aforesaid entity. Your use of IITPL means your acceptance of the Privacy Policy. Read More Code of Conduct IHONORS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED, also known as IITPL, is a customer and experience-centric entity. Our commitment to maintaining a safe and respectful environment for all members is reflected in the IHONORS' Code of Conduct. This code outlines the expectations and standards for behavior within our community, ensuring that IHONORS remains a place of integrity and excellence. Read More Terms of Website Use IHONORS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED (a.k.a. IITPL) as an entity does not sell or forward or rent any personal information that is shared with us on our website to any third party for the purpose of marketing etc. without your written consent. This TERMS FOR WEBSITE USE is applicable to all our services available under the aforesaid entity. Your use of IITPL means your acceptance of the policies herein. Read More Purchase Terms and Conditions IHONORS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED (a.k.a. IITPL) as an entity or its units are very much customer and experience centric in their approach. In order to make the ordering experience empathetic we have laind down few of the terms and conditions which will be the guardrails of the order initiation to execution and operationalisation. ​ The Purchase Order Contract and the conditions of purchase herein shall be binding and governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Bhubaneswar in the state of Odisha, India Court only. iHONORS ACADEMY hereby submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Bhubaneswar in the state of Odisha, India Courts. Read More Cancellation and Refund Policy iHONORS Cancellation and Refund Policy: We understand that plans can change, and we want to make sure our customers are satisfied with their experience. If you need to cancel your IHONORS membership, please contact our customer service team for assistance. Refunds may be available depending on the circumstances of your cancellation. Please refer to our cancellation and refund policy for more information. Read More Shipping and Delivery At IHONORS, we strive to provide our customers with the best possible shopping experience. We understand that timely delivery is an important aspect of this experience. That's why we offer fast and reliable shipping options to ensure that your order is delivered to you as quickly as possible. Our shipping and delivery policy is designed to provide you with all the information you need to know about our shipping process, including estimated delivery times, shipping rates, and more. If you have any questions or concerns about our shipping policy, please don't hesitate to contact us. Read More

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