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IHONORS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED, also known as IITPL, is a customer and experience-centric entity. Our commitment to maintaining a safe and respectful environment for all members is reflected in the IHONORS' Code of Conduct. This code outlines the expectations and standards for behavior within our community, ensuring that IHONORS remains a place of integrity and excellence.

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iHONORS ACADEMY firmly believes in working and growing as a team with its principle of 4 Ps as Passion, Perseverance, Practices and Professionalism. 

We expect our stakeholder to join us with complete 

  • Integrity 

  • Objectivity 

  • Competence 

  • Confidentiality 

  • Professionalism 

  • Dedication 

  • Compassion 

From above 7 pillars, we as a family, address a code of conduct in almost every aspect in our workplace, including  

  • Work environment 

  • Conflicts of interest 

  • Company assets 

  • Attendance and punctuality 

  • Absence without notice 

  • Leave notice 

  • Anti bribery and corruption 

  • Harassment 

  • Bullying and abuse 

  • Discrimination 

  • Internet and Social media use 

  • Substance use 

  • Communication and behaviour 

  • Misconduct 

  • Plagiarism 

  • Company resources 

  • Authority 


Privacy, security, and freedom of expression 

IHONORS ACADEMY always insists its stakeholders to believe and keep in mind that we are asking people to put their trust in us with their sensitive personal data and information. To keep that trust intact, each of us must respect and safeguard the privacy and security of that information. Our security protocols place strict restrictions on who has access to and uses users' personal data and require us to secure user information from unauthorised access. Understand your obligations under these procedures; gather, use and access user personal information only as permitted by our security policies, privacy policies, and data protection laws. 

Workplace health, safety, and security 

Stakeholders may observe all safety rules and practices, cooperate with officials enforcing these rules and procedures, and take all required precautions to safeguard themselves and other stakeholders. They must also complete safety training and report any accidents, injuries, or dangerous activities or conditions. To strengthen workplace security, you may be familiar with and follow any work safety information and training provided to you.

Drugs and alcohol 

We have a very clear attitude on substance abuse: it is harmful to our employees' health and safety, and we do not accept it. Consumption of alcohol and tobacco at workplace is strictly prohibited to avoid negative effects on performance, behaviour, endangering the safety of others, or breaking regulations under the agreement with the organisational body or the infrastructure provider. Using illegal substances at workplace or at sponsored events is strictly forbidden. Assume a stakeholder has reason to believe that an employee's usage of drugs and alcohol is hurting their job performance and the safety of others at work. In that instance, the stakeholder can ask for an alcohol or drug test. 

Conflicts of interest 

We all must avoid potential conflicts of interest. When a personal interest or activity interferes with or appears to interfere with the tasks you perform or owe to our company, you have a conflict of interest. Even the most ethical individual can be influenced unknowingly by a conflict of interest. The mere appearance of a conflict causes a stakeholder's actions or integrity to be questioned. 

Potential conflicts of interest must be brought to attention through the stakeholder or directly to the CEO.  

Compliance with laws and regulations 

IHONORS ACADEMY is committed to abiding by all applicable laws, rules, and regulations in the countries where we operate. When performing your duties, you must follow all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. If you believe there is any discrepancy, or if you have a question about the legality of your or your stakeholders' actions, you can consult via our complaints and concern channel.

Diversity and Inclusion

IHONORS ACADEMY is committed to promoting diversity and inclusion throughout our organisation. We believe in providing equal opportunities to all stakeholders and students based on their merit and ability to perform. We do not discriminate against anyone based on their race, caste, religion, colour, ancestry, marital status, gender, age, nationality, disability, socioeconomic status, ex-serviceman status, or maternity and post-maternity cases. We ensure that individuals with disabilities are treated with respect, dignity, and equality. We encourage all stakeholders to communicate freely with their superiors regarding their professional conditions, attributes, compensation, promotion, defence of occupational interests, etc., without any fear of reprisals, intimidation, or harassment.

All stakeholders including students are encouraged to contact the respective IHONORS' HR contact to elicit feedback, address concerns, and resolve issues.

Workplace Harassment

At IHONORS, we are committed to providing a respectful workplace for all stakeholders, including students, free from any form of harassment. We expect all relationships in the work environment to be professional and free from bias, prejudice, and harassment. Our stakeholders are required to maintain company honor and decorum at official get-togethers or off-site meetings, and refrain from any inappropriate actions or comments. Any act of harassment will be deemed a violation of our code, and we have a zero-tolerance policy for sexual harassment. Complaints can be brought to the attention of our HR representative or Internal Complaints Committee for investigation and suitable actions.

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