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Cloud Geek Kick-Start Certification

  • 4Weeks
  • 1Step
Get a certificate by completing the program.
Everyone who has completed all the steps will get a badge when the program ends.
Image representing the Cloud Geek Kick-Start Program


Learn about cloud computing and the services are covered and a range of topics essential for understanding and leveraging cloud technology. Begin with an in-depth definition of cloud computing, exploring its essential characteristics, historical development, and the compelling business case for cloud adoption. Learn about different cloud service models including IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, and cloud deployment models like Public, Private, and Hybrid. Understand the cloud infrastructure components and gain insights into one of the popular cloud platforms like AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud, exploring their services and features.Understand the emerging technologies enabled by cloud, such as Virtual Machines, Even-Driven, Message-Driven, Serverless, Containers, Microservices, Serverless, Cloud Native, DevOps, and Application Modernization.

You can also join this program via the mobile app.





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